Saturday, December 24, 2011

Special Holiday update

So a month ago after the big cook a bird holiday Mum and Bad Cow did something to the house. They added all this stuff that wasn't there before and it ALL has glitter on it. There's a tree inside our house on that is cozy to lay under and these neat shiny things on them I like to play with. There's also all these other shiny toys they put out all around. so much glitter!
There's this rug in the hallway and I don't like where it is. So I've decided to move it a few times out into the living room. For some reason Bad Cow disagrees with my interior decorating skills and keeps moving it back. Lately too there's been some paper packages put under the tree, when I try to move them Mum yells at me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Oh man, its been forever since Mum gave me some computer time. There's been quite a kerfuffle lately around here. First there was this bird Mum and Dad brought home, put it a pot over night and then cooked it. All these people came over to eat it. Mum and Dad must be really special at cooking birds.
So a few weeks ago Mum and Dad took me to the place with the toys on one side and the pokey needles on the other. This really nice lady took me with her and Mum and Dad left. She was kinda neat, until she shaved my leg, that was just bizarre, mom doesn't even shave her legs anymore!
So they stuck a needle in and took some neat red stuff out of me. Then they called Dad and he came to pick me up ( I was so woozy!) and took me home to Mum and she cried and snuggled me. They keep asking me why I'm A-Knee-Mick. So they put me on this special diet. Then she took me back to the place again and they took more red stuff and shaved my leg again. I must have done better because Mom was REALLY happy this time. So now life is mostly back to normal. I'll post again soon and tell you about what they did to the house!