Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 15

Something really special happened this week, Mom and Bad Cow forgot to put me in my cage to sleep. I got to snuggle up on their bed!!! It was so exciting! I mean they kick me a bit in their sleep, but its all nice and warm. I kinda decided I'd had enough of the kicking on Thursday and I moved up in between them. They seem to not like the snuggle between them method, maybe I'll try at the top of the bed soon...
Oh and last night, there was this loud crash and Bad Cow jumped out of bed and flung the covers...only he forgot I was there and I got to fly through the air...it was neat! Mom had some cool people over, I got to meet Rocky's mom, she was fun!
Oooh and I learned that if I jump hard enough, I get stuck in the sofa and can watch through the window.

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