Then it was the sad part of the day, Mum took me in the little black machine to the really neat room with all the toys... only... she wouldn't buy me toys today. She took me in this room and some lady poked and prodded me. She even gave me a shot, I didn't even cry though. Mum always says she had to get lots of shots to have me, so I wanted to show her I could get shots too.
Then we left the room with all the toys and I saw my first thunderstorm at my new house. I wasn't even scared, I played with mum. Bad Cow was home a lot today... I don't understand why Dad doesn't stay where I put him. I had to clean mum's face today too. After dinner she was so messy I had to lick her face clean.
Like I said, I had a super busy exciting day. Mum is even starting to get how this puppy rules the house.
Awwww what a sweet little thing.